Ultimate Bliss Privileged Matrimony



  1. For those people who are planning to get married, we have developed a powerful training program called “PRE-MARITAL TRAINING FOR BLISSFUL CONJUGAL LIFE FOREVER” . This program has been developed by Swami Aaron after a very comprehensive research and it is a fine blend of Relationship Psychology and Scientific Spirituality focused on enhancing Consciousness related to higher levels of life. It has been specially tailored for making all kind of relationship and all aspects of life totally blissful and free from all problems of life.Before we start searching the right match, firstly we train all marriage aspirants in Relationship Psychology and Scientific Spirituality through our training program called “PRE-MARITAL TRAINING FOR BLISSFUL CONJUGAL LIFE FOREVER” to enhance their Relationship Consciousness level.
  2. After successful training of candidates, we search for suitable match as per their preferences and requirements, making it sure that there must be 100% compatibility between both life partners at all six levels of life i.e. Physical or Material Level, Mundane Thought Level, Emotion Level, Intellect Level, Creativity Level and Spiritual Level, so that there should not be any possibility of any differences between them and they should be able to enjoy blissful conjugal life forever.
  3. We provide all astrological and numerological consultancy related to matrimony.
  4. We arrange to get Portfolio made by hardcore professional photographers.
  5. We remain in touch even after marriage and provide Psychological and spiritual counseling to the married couple.


Most of people when they look for match for their children, they look at only three aspects i.e. Physical Look, Educational, Financial and Family Background and Behavior and Character, though they don’t have any professional approach to judge their behavior and character. There are already so many couples who are excellent in all these levels but then also they got divorced because of incompatibility between them. Compatibility at all six levels of life i.e. Physical or Material Level, Mundane Thought Level, Emotion Level, Intellect Level, Creativity Level and Spiritual Level is must for totally blissful conjugal life forever.

That’s why we firstly train all marriage aspirants in Relationship Psychology and Scientific Spirituality so that their consciousness and mindfulness level should be very high and they should be bonded with each other at soul level to become One. Our spiritual training has nothing to do with any religion as we don’t preach any religion. We simply teach the Science of Consciousness and Bliss.

We wish all marriage aspirants a very happy and successful conjugal life forever!

For further details, please, WhatsApp / Telegram / Call at +91 98111 31102 or +91 9810 969 067
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