Ultimate Bliss Global Movement For Community Services

Ultimate Bliss Global Movement for
Community Services

What is Community Service?

Community service is work done by a person or group of people that benefits others. It is often done near the area where you live, so your own community reaps the benefits of your work.

Types of Community Service

Following are the types of Community services for which we can support you with the whole team, services and products required for the service which you want to do in your community or anywhere.

  1. Cleaning streets, roads, beaches, parks, or any public places
  2. Welfare Acts and Programmes for orphans, physically or mentally sick people, underprivileged children, physically challenged people, etc.
  3. Running Free Food Banks to feed Hungry People
  4. Doing Welfare acts in chronic diseases areas
  5. Doing Welfare and Rehabilitation acts in war-affected areas
  6. Running schools, colleges, etc., for underprivileged children and economically poor students
  7. Distributing food, medicines, clothes, household items, etc., to needy people
  8. Organizing Medical Camps
  9. Organizing Social Awareness Campaigns
  10. And many more

We aim at promoting Community Services and helping people who want to do something for the Community services.

We will provide you with all necessary supports with the whole team, services and products required for the service which you want to do in your community or anywhere in the world.

Let us help you in doing some community service in your area or anywhere in the world where-ever you want us to support.

For further details, please Call at +91 8590585844 or +91 7994807643
and also fill-up the following form:

Community Services Stories Want to do Community Service?