Esoteric Life Celebration Party

Esoteric Life Celebration Party

In India particularly, celebration is an occasional event as we celebrate once or twice in a year. That is a wrong way of living life. Celebration should be the day-to-day part of life.

Life if lived with higher vision and mindful and higher consciousness, then it is a non-ending beautiful celebration. Higher Consciousness fills up our lives with divine fragrance and total self-awareness enables us evolve to our infinite eternal self, making us realize the eternal cosmic celebration.

Through our various life celebration events, we try to create a new pristine awareness about our ultimate self which is Infinite, Eternal and ultimate Bliss.

Exploration, realization and celebration of deeper dimensions of life is the whole endeavor of such parties.


Following are the components of our parties:

  1. Scientific Spirituality Discourses
  2. Meditation
  3. Esoteric Music
  4. Ecstatic Dance
  5. Intellectual movies
  6. Higher Consciousness Poetry
  7. Philosophical Discussions
  8. Intellectual interaction with likeminded people
  9. Cultural events and exchange
  10. Travel to Exotic Locations
  11. Revelry
  12. Fine cuisines
  13. Health rejuvenation practices
  14. Open Mic Session allowing participant to express their wonderful experiences of life, creative expressions like poetry, singing, dance, jokes etc.

If you interested in joining such events, please, get yourself registered. We will keep you updated.

For further details, please Call at +91 8590585844 or +91 7994807643
and also fill-up the following form: